As believers we have opportunities to share the love of God every day. We usually don’t have to look very far. If we are in communion with our Heavenly Father, the prompting of His Spirit is just an everyday occurrence.
Such was the case of one couple that came down on a team last year. They had picked up a child through our sponsorship program and when they were here with the team they had the chance to visit her and her family – a single mom with 2 children. They were living on her mother and father’s property in a small tin and wood structure with a dirt floor that could hardly be called a home.
After this couple had visited them, they returned to their home in the states and continued to pray for the family. The Lord spoke to them about looking for a way to improve the living conditions of this small family. They contacted us and we discussed with them some options for a new house. We were able to come up with a solution and for a small amount of money a new house with a cement floor was built. The family was so grateful and they were able to see the faithfulness and the provision of the Lord.
May the Lord continue to move our hearts for what moves His. May His overwhelming compassion for the least of these compel us to align our hearts with His purposes for a lost and hurting world.