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Rocky and Karren Chupa

welcome you to their blog.


It is an ongoing story of their journey.


So Much Fun!


We have had so much fun so far this year hosting teams! Not having many groups visit for so long, returning to the normal rhythm of teams, fellowship, visiting with friends and making new friends has been great!

In February we were blessed to receive Dr. Tom & Sandra Martin and Dr. Erica & Corey Blad as well as Joe & Taresa Knuit (and boys) and Klint Tuft from Motion Church - our home church in Kamloops. In March Safe Motherhood Project and Highroad Academy were here and in April a group from Christ Community Church in Grande Prairie came.

In May we had the opportunity to attend a 3 day conference in Antigua. It was wonderful to get away and receive from the Lord. The conference was called Encounter with the Father and it was a time of refreshing for us both.

In June we received a group from Bethany Fellowship in Kansas City. It was lead by our CTEN Pastoral Care Couple - David and Janice Ewing.

Then, this last week, we were able to spend some time with the Powell family and the Weller family working on a project dedicated to Christie's mom, Brenda Richards, who passed away about a year and a half ago.

Now we are getting ready to receive a team from Grand Rapids International Fellowship. They arrive on July 18th and we are excited to see how the Lord will use their time here in Guatemala!

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